Saturday 16 August 2014

Project Evaluation

Overall I enjoyed many aspects of this project, the practical special effects side was interesting and fun to experiment with. Applying bald caps and learning how to make facial hair was my favourite part! I have realised my passion for this side of Makeup and Hair. I also found it interesting researching more about prosthetic's and learning about different body modifications. I feel this project helped me to realise there is much more that can be used on the face and body than just makeup, exploring the different possibilities of what materials are successful and which are not. 
I feel my research helped me to develop my ideas in a fluent way. I am happy with the final designs, even after a couple of attempts for one look as it did not turn out as I had expected. I am glad I gave myself the time to be able to reflect on my images and decide what I wanted to improve the second time round.

I did face a few difficulties with delivery of products and relying on models, but this is always going to be an uncontrollable factor. If I had the chance to do the project once more I would develop my first even further paying more attention to detail. The look was very time consuming and I would have to bear that in mind If I wanted to improve it.

Technical File


 - I included gelatene lumps on the cheekbones in the final look but thought the other images were stronger.


Development of Ideas


Face Chart and Drawings

Look 2 Research

I found these images in a magazine which I found interesting, I liked the way the face has been framed almost like a mask. I want to achieve something like this for my second look.

I experimented with stockings on my head and it changed the face dramatically by distorting and pulling it. I think this could work well with a strong makeup look.

Plastic Surgery

Another current form of body modification is through Plastic Surgery something that is becoming more apparent these days. It is effectively changing peoples identities and masking who they really are in order to make them happy and feel more attractive.

Doll Face

I watched this short film by Andrew Huang which I loved called Doll Face. It seems appropriate to the idea of hiding identity through plastic Surgery and changing ourselves because we feel we have too.

Monday 11 August 2014

Facial Hair practical

We had a practical all about applying facial hair such as beards or moustache's

Bald Cap Practical

We applied bald caps in class, they were challenging to get perfect but good fun! I photographed the stages:

Using gel and water to flatten and brush the hair to make it as flat as possible and weaving it round to stick to the head. We had to try and avoid bumps from the beginning.

 Put the bald cap on making sure it is in place and cut around the ears accurately.

 Using mastix glue we stuck the sides of the bald cap down.

Airburhsing the bald cap pink to remove the darker colours coming through which we then sprayed flesh colour to look more natural.

 We could then stick things onto the bald cap to give an interesting effect. Here I modelled for Cara's final look in which she used many beads, latex and glitter to create this look. 

LOOK 1 - Attempt

I shot my first look and was happy with the final images but felt that I could develop the look further. It represented a tribal theme and was appropriate for a catwalk look but I didn't think it showed much for a 'Brave New World' and could have more to it.

Testing and Ideas

I experimented with tribal patterns sticking rice on my face using DUO adhesive.

Face Charts and Drawings 

 Look 1 attempt 2 



I took an interest in Tribalism when we first started this project, I wanted to explore it more within fashion to give me more ideas for my final look as this is the kind of route I want to go down.

Grazia UK had an article relating to the tribal trend in fashion called 'The Clash'


More Experimenting

Practical Lesson

I ordered some 'Gelglyk' from screenface in Flesh and Scar colour for my kit and had a play with moulds and drying the gel on different materials.

Books and Magazine References

Davis, K. Reshaping the Female Body: The Dilemma of Cosmetic Surgery (1995)

Pantellini, C & Stophler, P. Body Exstentions: Art, Photography, Film, Comic, Fashion (2004)

Pitts, V. In the Flesh: The Cultural Politics Of Body Modification (2003)

Blum, VL. Flesh Wounds: The Culture of Cosmetic Surgery (2005)

Groning, K. Decorated Skin: A World Survey of Body Art (2001)

Grazia Magazine 
STYLE Magazine 

The Skin I Live In

We watched the psychological thriller 'The Skin I Live In' (2011) a Spanish film based on the French novel 'Mygale' (English novel Trantula) written and directed by Pedro Almodovar.

A surgeon successfully cultivates artificial skin resistant to damage such as burns and insect bites. It is a very interesting and clever film.

Prosthetics On The Catwalk

Alexander McQueen

Prosthetic's are seen in a lot of Alexander McQueen's collections as seen in the images that I found below. Structures were used in the hair and prosthetic's were used to change the shape of the face. It is very futuristic and animal like. 

Alexander McQueen: Models present creations by British designer Alexander McQueen

Alexander McQueen: A model wears Alexander McQueen
This particular look also relates to the neck rings tribe.

Alexander McQueen: A model wears Alexander McQueen

Alexander McQueen: A model wears Alexander McQueen

Alexander McQueen: A model wears Alexander McQueen

Aimee Mullins

McQueen designed wooden carved prosthetic legs for former paralympian Aimee Mullins to wear on the catwalk as part of the Spring/ Summer 1990 show No.13.

Later Aimee Mullins was photographed in Dazed and Confused Magazine photographed by Nick Knight.